Comprised of humanist academics with high levels of technological expertise, Learn Canada synergizes the expertise of scholars, educators, and mental health and wellness experts with web designers, database programmers,
instructional designers, information architects, and other specialists; we seek the advancement of sound pedagogies that create positive online and face-to-face learning experiences.
We help faculty in the development, design, and delivery of web-based online courses and in the pedagogy of teaching by videoconference. We have considerable expertise in the design, assessment and testing of Web and
print interfaces and in the design and delivery of courses through videoconferencing. In addition to these varieties of specialization, Digital Architecture is our flagship course for all aspects of online teaching and learning.
We also offer professional editorial services for scholars who publish articles, books, doctoral dissertations, and master's theses. Whether you are a native English speaker or an English-as-a-second-language scholar,
we can help! We have specialists in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, education and technology. We also have writing and editing specialties report writing, funding and grant applications, e-publishing, technical writing, information refurbishment, and communications repurposing.
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Peter Paolucci is retired, but still teaches English literature and editing at York University, and also teaching in the Departments of Writing and Humanities. He has interests in editing Shakespeare, computer applications to literary and editorial scholarship, quantitative stylistics, and faculty support work through pedagogy and technology. He is the winner of two awards for excellence in teaching: the York-wide SCOTL award, and the former Faculty of Arts Dean's award for Excellence in Teaching.
In the past, ee served as an executive peer reviewer for the Journal of Educational Technology & Society and was also a member of the Shaksper Book Review Panel, a sub-committee of the Global Electronic Shakespeare Conference. He was also the inaugural coordinator for this review panel.
Dr. Paolucci has more than 45 years of experience as a consultant in the pedagogy of instruction by videoconferencing. He rehabilitates underachieving students.
Dr. Paolucci holds a Certificate in the Psychology of the Web (Internet Addiction: How to Assess and Treat the Disorder; Cybersex and Internet Sex Addiction; Children, Technology, Parenting and the Future; and Therapeutic Interventions in Cyberspace). Zur Institute: Online Continuing Education For Mental Health Professionals.
Finally, Professor Paolucci is a contributor to the "generative AI assessment repository" known as "Design Principles for the Future of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education"
Full CV here
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